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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Khalaf Al Habtoor meets Ambassador of Bosnia

by Erin Mc Cafferty

© Al Habtoor Group

Khalaf Al Habtoor, Head of the Al Habtoor Group, met with the Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the UAE and Bahrain, in Dubai on March 3, to discuss business and politics.

His Excellency Radomir Kosic, was eager to congratulate Mr Al Habtoor on a recent article he wrote entitled ‘Our Region is in Grave Danger’.

The piece, which recently appeared in a number of Middle Eastern newspapers, warned of the repercussions of civil uprising, citing the revolution in Egypt and suggesting that it had been encouraged by foreign powers acting in their own interests. It further warned of the possibility of uprising in a number of Arab states.

The two men talked about the political situation in the region at length and in particular in Egypt, Tunis, and Libya.

Mr Khalaf commented: “I am confident that these problems [ the civil uprisings] will not reach our countries. We are blessed to have Sheikhdoms not republics. We pray for God to protect our nation. We must all work to protect this country and its system, where we all enjoy a level of freedom, safety and stability that cannot be enjoyed in any other country in the world. We have an obligation to our country to protect it.”

The possibility of Mr Khalaf investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina was also explored. The country, which has a large amount of rivers and therefore a plentiful supply of fresh water, has a coastline of just 20 kilometres.

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