The entire student population at Emirates International School (Meadows) came out in force to show their support for Dubai’s Expo 2020 bid on Monday November 25, 2013, two days before the announcement was made in Dubai's favour.
More than 1,500 students, aged between 4 and 18 gathered on the playing field and formed the words ‘Expo 2020, EIS M, Dubai’ - and formed the shape of the UAE national flag.
The event was captured by photographs and on video and made available to parents and other supporters from the community on a YouTube link shared via newsletters and websites.
“It was wonderful to see both our Primary School and High School students so excited in support of Dubai’s bid for the EXPO 2020,” said Leonard Murphy, Principal of the High School. Mrs Carmel Platt, Principal of the Primary School noted: “It is important for them to feel part of the community. Winning the Expo bid will be an amazing opportunity for Dubai and its residents. It will provide many opportunities for the entire community.”