Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Al Habtoor Group Thinks Emirati
Issue 111
by Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
The goals of Emiratisation, a policy giving qualified Emirati jobseekers the edge, have long been close to my heart. I was blessed to have been born in...Read more
Belarus is open for Business
Issue 109
by Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
As a business person always open to new and attractive investment opportunities I was pleased to meet the Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich in...Read more
UAE Tourism more than just sun, sand and shopping malls
Issue 103
by W. Lowe
Business, Events, Medical and Eco-Tourism – Dubai has these days become a popular destination for different types of tourism.Read more
Entrepreneurship in the UAE
Issue 102
by W. Lowe
Small businesses, started by their owners, are already the backbone of the UAE economy. In recent years however the government has been actively...Read more
Counterfeit Clobber
Issue 24
by Alex Philips
Why you shouldn't buy fake goods by Alex PhillipsRead more
Building Blocks
Issue 22
by Luzia Karim
The sustained twenty-year growth of construction in the UAE is amazing. The sustained twenty-year growth of construction in the UAE is amazing. Read more
Issue 22
by Luzia Karim
Never a cab around when you need one? Not for long, if Dubai Transport has anything to do with it, found Luiza Karim Read more
Time and Money
Issue 22
by Luzia Karim
The lack of a stock market in the UAE means investors are increasingly turning to investment funds to place their capital. Luiza Karim looks at how to make...Read more
In The Mix
Issue 22
by Vincent White
Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Oman, Sudan, Jerusalem and Jordan to name but a few. Dubai is host to an amazing mix of nationalities and in the...Read more
Chairman's Message
Issue 16
by Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
With a network of nem roads that allow for the efficient movement of people and goods, an airport with passenger growth increasing year on year, port...Read more
Letters to the Editor
Issue 15
by The Media Office
I read with interest your article about the application of Zakah to the problem of under-developed countries around the world. It is a noble concept, which...Read more
Kangaroo Plastics; a Pride in Production
Issue 15
by Julia Wheeler
There are plenty of things in this life that we take for granted: things that we never really think about, but which make our lives just that little bit...Read more