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Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Tackling poverty should be a burning issue
Issue 135
by Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
It is a great shame that advocates for almost 1.3 billion of the world’s population suffering from extreme poverty often meet with deaf ears. There is much...Read more
Lower oil prices a blessing, not a curse
Issue 121
by Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
Global stock markets are experiencing a bumpy ride. Investor confidence is shaken. Analysts largely blame falling oil prices - which have hit five-year...Read more
The UAE takes the lead
Issue 119
by Joanna Andrews
The World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council has selected the UAE as the lead in a global initiative to create a ‘Future of Government Smart Toolbox’....Read more
Austerity’s painful fallout in Europe
Issue 113
by Linda S. Heard
The US and Japan have differed from European nations over the best way to tackle the global economic crisis and are reaping rewards from their focus on...Read more
Seismic shift
Issue 109
by Joanna Andrews
The modern world economy is undergoing a profound shift from West to East and the emerging economies of Gulf nations are capitalising on this, according to...Read more
A day for reflection and appreciation
Issue 109
by Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
The UAE National Day means much more to me than just a public holiday or an opportunity to celebrate. I thank God for his gifts every day and never cease...Read more
The Awakening
Issue 108
by Fabio Scacciavillani
Brazil’s economy has gone from boom to near bust; from growth of 7.5 per cent two years ago to zero. Despite the odds, the outlook is looking bright for...Read more
The Century of the Dragon
Issue 106
by Fabio Scacciavillani
As the world ponders a possible hard landing of the Chinese economy, we examine how it has avoided the global financial crisis and ask what is likely to...Read more
People’s anger with bankers is justified
Issue 102
by Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
It’s no wonder that ordinary people, all over the world, who have lost their homes, businesses, jobs or pensions, or who are now facing massive government...Read more
The Ripple effect from Japan
Issue 99
by Fabio Scacciavillani
The recent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear emergency in Japan has had a devastating effect, not only on the country but on the global economyRead more
We Must Learn From Our Mistakes
Issue 31
by Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
An interview with Khalaf Al Habtoor on the UAE's experience with public share holding companies in a fledgling stock market Read more
Chairman's Message
Issue 22
by Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
Seeing the rise of powerful economic blocks across much of the globe injects a anote of urgency into the debate about creating a wrokable and powerful Arab...Read more