Al Shindagah Magazine

Khalaf Al Habtoor Chairman's Message

As the world economy edges closer to recession, it does little to help the situation to find two of our regional neighbours quarelling.

The military stand-off between Iran and Afghanistan has caused a suspension of trade across the borders. These land routes between the two are used for the trade of electrical appliances, fuel, vehicles and scores of items used in daily life, and is an important life-line for the people of Afghanistan, who after many years of arned conflict, which has destroyed most of its economic infrastructure, have come to rely on this trade route to bring essential goods into the country; much of which is purchsed here in the United Arab Emirates and sent to neighbouring countries for re-export to Afghanistan.

A significant percentage of Dubai's re-export business goes through Pakistan to Afghanistan and this trade was set to grow as transit routes through Pakistan were re-opened and the easing of the border closures of last year. Until this crisis is resolved no new consignments of motor vehicles and electrical appliances will be dispatched and this will see ordinary Afghans suffer greater hardship and will further reduce revenues for the UAE's re-exporters.

This is only a small example of how regional conflict can, in this time of great global uncertainty, upset the mechanism of trade. With economies around the world trembling and collapsing, we in the Arab community, should be drwaing together and strengthening our friendships and common interests, so that we may effectively fight off the presures on our economoies brought about by this current economic crisis. To argue and disagree only causes weakness for our Governments and hardship for our people. Let us try to set an example to the rest of the world community by resolving our differences in a way that strengthens us as Arab nations, that brings about greater unity and benefits us all.

Khalaf Al Habtoor