Approximate population of Israel and Occupied Territories:1,660,000 Palestinians and 2,384,000 Jews. The 1967 War begins 5 June with Israel occupying the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. UN issues Resolution 242 demanding Israel withdraws from the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Approximately 250,000 more Palestinian refugees flee, or are forced into Jordan. After the 1967 Six Day War, Yassar Arafat is announced the leader of the PLO.


October or Ramadan or Yom Kippur War. Egypt and Syria attempt to regain lost territories. They push Israel back in the Sinai Peninsula and initially in the Golan province. A massive airlift of US arms tips the balance in Israel's favour.


United Nations issues Resolution 338 reaffirming the rights of the Palestinians to self-determination and national independence. Yasser Arafat speaks to the UN exclaiming, "I come to you with an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun; do not let the olive branch
fall from my hand." The Arab Nations issue the Rabat Resolution which proclaims the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.


Menechem Begin becomes Prime Minister of Israel. His Likud Party traditionally advocates a "Greater Israel" including the West Bank and Gaza and perhaps Jordan with unlimited settlements of Jews in Arab-populated areas under Israeli occupation. Anwar Sadat President of Egypt goes to Jerusalem to open talks. 


Egypt and Israel sign the Camp David Accords. Israel invades Lebanon and seizes a "security zone" up to the Litani River.


Israel invades Lebanon with the aim of destroying the PLO. Tens of thousands were killed and made homeless in the wake of the invasion that culminated in the massacres of Sabra and Shatilla. Ariel Sharon is implicated in the massacres by a Jewish committee investigating the massacres.


 The United Nations calls for the convening of a Peace Conference with the participation of the PLO on an equal footing with the other delegates as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.


Israel creates "Iron Fist Policy." Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin orders troops to break bones, demolish homes, hold administrative detention, and deport Palestinians.


Palestinian Intifada (Uprising) begins. Palestinians commit themselves to goals which include; Palestinians having the same rights as all other people including, the right to determine their own future and to live in security and freedom.


Abu Jihad (No 2 in PLO after Yasser Arafat) is assassinated. The PLO recognises Israel, proclaims a Palestinian state; renounces terrorism, and calls for negotiations, as a result of the Israeli election. Yitzhak Shamir returns as Prime Minister. When the United States government refuses President Arafat a visa to enter the US, the UN General Assembly hold a special session on the question of Palestine in Geneva.


EEC Madrid Conference issues a new declaration calling for the PLO to be involved in any peace negotiations.


The EEC in Dublin issued a new declaration on the Middle East which condemns Israeli human rights violations and the settlement of Soviet Jews in the Occupied Territories. It also doubles its economic aid programme to the Occupied Territories.


Madrid Peace Conference is held. The bi-lateral talks between Israel and the Palestinians, Syrians, Jordanians, and Lebanese start in Washington.


 Yitzhak Rabin becomes Prime Minister of Israel.


On September 13th Palestine and Israel sign Declaration of Principles in Washington, DC.


Gaza strip and Jericho Agreement in Cairo.


Transfer of power agreement.


Palestinian Israeli Interim Agreement is signed in Washington. Israeli extremist Yagil Amir assassinates Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.


Palestinians hold first Democratic Election. Yasser Arafat is elected President of Palestine. Israel elects Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister, who refuses to implement previous peace agreement. Israeli government opens tunnel in Jerusalem going against previous peace agreement which states the Jerusalem must not be altered in any way by either side until the final status of the peace agreement has been reached.


Agreement of the redeployment from Hebron.


The construction of the new Israeli settlement of Jabal Abu Ghneim (Har Homa) starts. Halt to peace talks because of the settlement policy of the Netanyahu Government.


The UN General Assembly adopts resolution 52/250, entitled "Participation of Palestine in the work of the United Nations," voting overwhelmingly to upgrade Palestine's representation at the United Nations to a unique and unprecedented level. Wye River Memorandum signed by Israel and Palestine. The Memorandum dictates that Israel must withdraw from an additional 13 per cent of and stop building settlements in the Occupied Territory. Palestine must
fight terrorism and change the PLO Charter to acknowledge Israel as a state. Palestine complies but Israel does not. In September, the latest Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics census indicates that Israel's population has reached approximately 5.9 million. Of that
number, 4.7 million are Jews, approximately 230,000 of whom live in settlements in the occupied territories, and nearly 1.0 million are Israeli Arabs. It also indicates that the population of settlers in the West Bank and Gaza rose by 3 per cent.


Ehud Barak defeats Benjamin Netanyahu in Israeli election


Ariel Sharon visits Al Haram Al Shareef causing outrage among the Palestinians that ends the Camp David peace process.
